God Dwells With Us!

God Dwells With Us!

Exodus 25:22
Exodus 29:42
Acts 16-17

These scriptures out of the old testament house the Words from God. They talk of how Jehovah's dwelling resides inside all of us. Where He is, so are we and vice versa.

I have often pondered the thought of what on Earth these and many other scriptures actually mean. Are they to be taken literally? Or are they simply figurative ways of finding our Lord?

God doesn't lie, 'sugarcoat', or stretch the truth for ANY reason. For this reason, we all should take these scriptures just how they were intended. Quite Literal. 

God the Father wants nothing more than to talk with you, walk with you, be there for you, and most of all to love you.

Jehovah, our Father in Heaven, is ALWAYS there to listen. And He is ALWAYS there for us to talk to.

No Preacher or Preist required. Just a good old-fashioned 'heart-to-heart' with the only Being that actually knows what true love really is!


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