Be Mindful Of Yourself!

Be Mindful Of Yourself

Often times we tend to become wrapped up in everything else but ourselves. 

As Christians, one very important thing is to never forget about your own well-being.

It's been said that we should look out for the other person because God will reward us when we do. However, God knows that self-sacrifice comes with a hefty price.

 He knows that if you are not mindful of yourself at times when you become empty, tired, and depressed, and when you fall into this demonic trap, you can't help anyone else!

God surely does not want you to go through that on His account. He wants all His children to be joyful and content.

When you start to feel as though you are being led down and are struggling with evil thoughts and depression, remember to take a step back. Take a deep breath. Then pray to God and ask Him to help you.

He will!


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