Our Lord Is Pure Love!

Our Lord Is Pure Love

1 John 4:7+8

What is the definition of 'love'? The dictionary defines love in different ways. But the correct definition according to God's law is, "an intense feeling of affection for another human being...". In 1John 4:7+8, we are taught the valuable lesson of truly loving one another. For to do so is to be closer to God. 

John 3:16 states: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, for whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish from this Earth, but shall have everlasting life!

God loved us all so much that He sacrificed His own son for our sins. So that we may live on and continue worshipping and praising Him.

Imagine for a minute what that sacrifice actually meant. God sent His only child to die for our sins. I could not even imagine having to give up a child this way. 

In fact, I lost a son. It, to this day, is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Imagine how much pain Jehovah was in when He gave up His son for us...

That explains just how much God loves all of us. It explains how we are His children and how much He has done to protect us and keep us close to Him.

As a parent would lay down their life for their children, God has done the same with this sacrifice. So that we may live forever with Him.



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